Site Arrow is actively looking to acquire established web hosting companies or client bases. If youre thinking about exiting the hosting industry or looking to move on to your next venture, wed love to chat!
What Were Looking For:
- Small to mid-sized web hosting companies with up to $250k in annual revenue
- cPanel or DirectAdmin with WHMCS operations preferred, but open to others
- A strong reputation and solid client base
- Recurring revenue streams with loyal customers
Why Sell to Site Arrow?
- We offer a smooth and seamless transition for your clients, keeping the brand alive
- Fair and competitive offers based on your business size and age
- Experienced in business transitions to ensure minimal disruptions for your customers
- Commitment to high quality customer support, with 24×7 technical support with a review of every closed ticket
- Confidential negotiations and agreements
What We Need From You:
- A brief overview of your business (number of clients, revenue, profit margins, etc.)
- What youre looking for in terms of sale price and transition timeline
- Any specific requirements or conditions for the sale
Testimonial from a Previous Seller
Originally Posted by Bruce Bleaman, co-founder of Domain Name Sanity
How to Get in Touch:
If youre interested in discussing a potential sale, please visit our site to learn more and fill in the form: Sell Your Hosting Business.
Lets talk about how we can help you transition smoothly and provide the best experience for your customers!