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What to Get Your Website This Christmas

As everyone starts to get excited about unwrapping this year’s presents, have you ever stopped to wonder what your website would want for Christmas? In the spirit of the season, our Secret Santa has been imagining what goodies would be on most websites’ wish lists. Here’s what they have come up with.

  1. Top tech
    Number one on any website’s Christmas list would definitely be great technology, like cloud-based shared hosting. Imagine how happy a website would be knowing it would always have excellent uptime guarantees and couldn’t be affected by hardware problems. Of course, it would also have more oomph to make sure it could load quickly and perform without getting sluggish too.
  2. Immortality
    Who wouldn’t want immortality for Christmas? While this isn’t possible, yet, for humans, you can give it to your website in the guise of daily backups. Should all your data be forgot, whether by human error, software corruption, hacking, malware or hardware failure, a free daily backup ensures it can be restored. In other words, you can bring your website back to life quickly and easily.
  3. Free SSLs
    While it might just be a stocking filler in terms of excitement, an SSL certificate is as important to a website as gravy on a Christmas dinner. An absolute necessity for today’s online businesses, they encrypt customers’ payment information, keeping it safe from hackers and anyone else on the naughty list. They also come with a sparkling padlock icon that lets users know the website is secure – which is essential to give customers the confidence to do their Christmas shopping with you.
  4. Friends
    It can be lonely being the only website on a hosting account and for business owners, being restricted to hosting just a single website can hold back their company’s growth. There are plenty of reasons you may need to do this: you could have different websites serving different countries, each with specific national URLs (e.g., .uk, .au, .fr, etc.), you could set up a website to prevent others from abusing your brand name, or you might use separate websites for your mobile and desktop versions of your site. Choosing a hosting plan that offers unlimited websites gives you the freedom to grow and means your website needn’t be home alone this Christmas.
  5. Super cPanel
    Giving your website cPanel for Christmas will give it that same thrill as plugging in a firestick for the first time and seeing every TV channel and streaming service right before your eyes. In terms of running your website and hosting, it simplifies everything from managing your domains, emails, databases and files to installing new software and boosting security. As control panels go, it’s the ultimate choice for Linux-based servers; simple to use, intuitive and packed with useful functions and helpful wizards.
  6. Fully featured email
    Your website wants to make the most of its domain name, so don’t limit it to the web address. Moving to a web host where fully functional, professional email comes as standard means you can use your domain name for your email addresses too (e.g., What does fully functional mean? It means you can access your emails by webmail and clients like Outlook, they’ll be protected by spam filters, and you’ll have calendars, contacts and task functions too. You can even set up forwarding and autoresponders and add new email addresses.
  7. A little helper
    Even Santa relies on his little helpers to get all those presents made, so it’s no surprise that a website is going to need a bit of technical help from time to time. Like a best buddy in a crisis, this comes in the form of 24/7 technical support. So, if you want to make sure you can overcome your website and hosting issues quickly, choose a host where this professional support comes as part of your package and where you have highly qualified technical experts there to help whenever you need it – even on Cristmas Day.
  8. Security
    It’s a tough world for websites and their owners. While there are lots of friendly visitors and customers out there, there are also too many bad actors trying to do mischief. This means it is essential to implement robust security policies to keep your site and its data safe. A key element of this is choosing a web host that puts security high on its list of priorities and which will keep your site protected with the latest security solutions.


As the UK’s leading independent managed hosting provider, it’s perhaps no surprise that even at Christmas, everything has a hosting theme. While we’ve tried to make this post a festive one, there is also a serious message about how shared hosting has moved forward in recent years. Indeed, we believe our cloud-powered, cPanel Web Hosting plans offer the full three courses and all the trimmings when it comes to looking after your website. So, if you are considering a Christmas present for your site, check out our Web Hosting with cPanel page.

  • I’m an experienced digital marketer with expertise in planning, SEO, SEM, and social media. I’m good at creating engaging content and optimising campaigns for a strong online presence.

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