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10 Ways 5G is Improving Web Hosting -eukhost

5G has had a significant impact on web hosting, particularly for mobile websites. Able to transmit more data than its predecessor, 4G, and do so faster and more reliably, it helps sites load quickly and remain accessible. This, however, is just the tip of the iceberg, and in this post, we look at what 5G is and discuss ten ways it is improving web hosting.

What is 5G?

5G is the latest and most advanced type of mobile network technology. Compared to its predecessors, 3G and 4G, it is faster, more responsive and has the capacity to transmit far more data. Unlike broadband, which generally uses wire or cable connections, often with local wi-fi, 5G uses powerful radio waves to deliver high-speed, wireless connectivity. As a result, mobiles and other 5G-enabled devices have faster internet speeds, while 5G’s ability to transmit more data than 4G means it can support more devices simultaneously and enable them to access more advanced online services, like video streaming, with greater reliability.

Here are the ten ways 5G improves web hosting.

  1. Increased speed
    While reliable broadband speeds mean nearly everyone is used to the idea of being able to download or stream a movie at home without much of a problem, this was not so easy to do with 3G and 4G connections. The advent of 5G means this can now be done with mobile devices. Indeed, its speed means you can download a full HD movie in a matter of seconds and have greater reliability when it comes to streaming. Websites that are visited by users on 5G networks load incredibly quickly, reducing the potential for user abandonment. Additionally, it means advanced website features that require more data processing, e.g., chatbots, videos, customer tools, etc., can also be accessed more reliably on mobile devices.
  2. Reduced latency
    As data takes time to travel across a network, we can experience a delay in response after interacting with a website or online service; for example, if you click play on a video, it can sometimes take a while before the play begins. This delay is known as latency. As with high-speed broadband in the home or workplace, 5G now almost eradicates this delay on mobile networks. Indeed, with a good connection, this can be an almost imperceptible 1 millisecond. This means interactions on websites, like product searches, adding items to baskets and conversations with online chat will happen more smoothly and without delay.

    International latency issues? Read: Global Impact of International Dedicated Servers on Website Load Times

  3. Smartphone connectivity
    With more people using their smartphones to browse the internet than their PCs, it’s vital that websites perform well on mobile networks. 5G significantly boosts mobile connectivity, ensuring that websites will load quickly and perform effectively on compatible phones. This means businesses can provide better experiences for users on the go, whether it’s booking tickets, online shopping or catching up with a podcast on the commute home.
  4. Connecting more devices
    5G networks are designed to connect far more devices at the same time. This is vital for a world where the number of devices and gadgets needing connections is growing rapidly; not just smartphones, but smart technologies that are needed to run everything from business operations to controlling traffic in busy towns and cities. For website owners,
    better connectivity means that more people will be able to access your site without network bottlenecks affecting the site’s performance.
  5. Enhanced reliability
    5G networks are built to be robust and can often provide more stable and continuous internet access than cable broadband. This is why some broadband companies now combine cable routers with 5G connectivity to maintain service should the cable go offline. With mobile phones, the switch from wi-fi to 5G also takes place automatically should the wi-fi signal be lost. As a result,
    website owners can be more confident that their websites will remain accessible and will not lose sales because of connectivity issues.
  6. Edge computing
    Edge computing is a recent technology that enables data to be processed near to where devices are located, i.e., on the edge of the network. This means data doesn’t need to travel to a data centre for processing, thus reducing latency and taking the pressure off busy data centre operations. 5G makes it much easier to carry out edge computing as data can be sent to edge
    processing units quickly and effectively. This makes it ideal for businesses that have apps and services that work in real time.
  7. Using advanced tech
    While we have mentioned that the speed and capacity of 5G make it ideal for websites that deploy advanced technologies, we have not really touched on what these are. Today, many websites are trying to provide better customer experiences by using technologies, like augmented and virtual reality tools and AI-enabled chatbots, that require lots of data to be sent quickly. These run well on high-speed broadband but struggled over 3G and 4G networks. 5G, however, has made it possible for mobile websites to be as interactive and immersive as those designed for PCs.

    Want to use advanced tech? Read: Hosting Requirements for E-commerce Success In 2024

  8. Increased bandwidth
    While 5G doesn’t increase the bandwidth limitations of your web hosting solution, it does mean there is more bandwidth available over your visitors’ mobile networks. In other words, more websites can send more data to mobile devices without performance being affected. Again, this is ideal for websites that need to send a lot of data quickly.
  9. Supporting IoT
    The Internet of Things (IoT), i.e., internet-connected devices, is a rapidly growing area. From smart meters and security cameras to kids’ toys and smart washing machines, manufacturers are using connectivity to provide their products with new features and to offer new services. 5G is particularly useful for IoT devices that are unable to connect to traditional broadband, such as those that monitor vehicle performance for drivers on the road. 5G means companies can manage and host services for a wider range of IoT applications, including mobile devices, more effectively.

    For more information, read: How IoT is Transforming Modern Business

  10. Sustainability
    Due to the vast amounts of energy needed to power the world’s data centres, sustainability has become an important issue for everyone using the internet. One of the less well-known benefits of 5G is its improvement in energy efficiency over 4G. According to STL Partners , a 5G transmitter uses just 15% of the energy of a 4G transmitter to send the same amount of data. Globally, this means the move to 5G could potentially save half a billion tonnes of CO2 by 2030.


In the 5 years since it was launched, 5G has transformed the way we connect online, providing websites and online businesses with more reliable connectivity, faster speeds and reduced latency. As a result, it has enabled companies to make use of a wider range of advanced technologies, like IoT devices, edge computing and website tools that improve customer experience and boost sales.

Help your business take advantage of 5G technology by choosing a fast, secure and reliable hosting solution. For more information, check out our cloud-based Business Web Hosting with 100% uptime guarantee.

  • I’m a SEO and SMM Specialist with a passion for sharing insights on website hosting, development, and technology to help businesses thrive online.

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