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10 Magento Marketing Strategies That Convert

Are your Magento sales underperforming or absent?

Whether you’re a seasoned store owner dissatisfied with your sales results or a hopeful Magento store beginner facing the daunting zero-sales scenario, you can take advantage of Magento marketing strategies.

Low sales impact not just your revenue but your confidence and business longevity. We understand the frustrations. So, we put this guide together to offer clear, actionable Magento digital marketing strategies to boost your ecommerce sales.

You’ll learn about native Adobe Commerce marketing tools plus open-source alternatives that let you apply the strategies we’ll discuss. You’ll also discover some marketing optimization ideas to reinforce your Magento marketing.

Let’s dive in.

Is Adobe Commerce the same as Magento?

Yes and no. Why? Only Magento Commerce became Adobe Commerce, not all of Magento. Adobe rebranded Magento Commerce, the paid Magento platform, to Adobe Commerce on April 21, 2021. However, Magento includes a free, community-supported platform, Magento Open Source.

You can host Adobe Commerce using Adobe Commerce on-cloud (fully managed hosting by Adobe) or on-premise (self-hosted).

Furthermore, Adobe Commerce on-cloud bundles Adobe Commerce with Target, Analytics, and Adobe Experience Manager, offering a platform-as-a-service (PaaS) for ecommerce.

As a result of this rebranding, some Magento marketing tools are only native to Adobe Commerce. However, you can replicate those features on Magento Open Source using Magento extensions.

Why Magento marketing strategies are important

Magento marketing strategies empower businesses to reach, engage, and retain customers in a competitive online landscape. So they are crucial for your ecommerce success.

Firstly, Magento marketing strategies help boost your store’s visibility by leveraging SEO, social media integration, and content marketing. Secondly, these strategies help you drive targeted campaigns to gain customer engagement, fostering brand loyalty.

Thirdly, you can create personalized experiences using Magento’s advanced analytics and customer segmentation data to improve your store’s conversion rates. Not to mention that Magento’s flexible platform lets you adapt and optimize strategies swiftly.

Lastly, this ecommerce platform supports mobile commerce, ensuring a seamless shopping experience across devices.

Without further ado, let’s explore the strategies you can leverage on your Magento store.

Best Magento marketing strategies

In addition to the Magento marketing strategies on this list, we’ll spotlight specific tools to help you implement the strategy. However, you can find many Magento marketing tools in the Magento marketplace.

1. Email marketing

You can boost sales by sending customers automated, personalized, targeted messages. Magento lets you create engaging email campaigns, share updates, recommend products, and recover abandoned carts.

Sending customers helpful, timely messages can enhance customer loyalty, drive traffic, and increase marketing ROI. For example, the average cart abandonment rate is 70.19 percent, but with email marketing, you can win back those abandoned carts with targeted offers.

Adobe Commerce offers native email templates, marketing automation, and subscriber management tools for executing this strategy. However, Magento Open Source users can leverage third-party plugins from, Aheadwork, and ​​MageDelight abandoned cart email extensions for Magento 2.

2. Social media marketing

Social media marketing lets you boost business visibility and sales by leveraging platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. This Magento marketing strategy involves publishing engaging posts and showcasing your products with captivating visuals and descriptions.

This type of marketing is very versatile, allowing you to achieve the results you want and reach your audience however you want.

For instance, you can strategically use elements like hashtags to target relevant audiences and drive traffic to your Magento store. Or perhaps you can encourage your audience to create user-generated content containing discounts or promotions to boost your brand awareness and generate leads.

You can also add social sharing buttons on your website’s product pages. And as people engage with your content, you amass useful data for your social ads and sponsored posts.

Moreover, you can regularly interact with followers to build a community, fostering trust and loyalty, ultimately translating into increased sales for the Magento website.

3. Affiliate marketing

Working with experienced marketers is usually a great idea to expand your reach and drive more customers to your store.

Affiliate marketing allows you to drive sales by sharing profits with partners who send you conversion-ready leads. It’s a win-win for everyone. You get more customers, and your affiliates earn a commission.

You can access affiliate marketing extensions from Magenest, Mirasvit, and Mageworx on the Adobe marketplace. These tools work for Magento Open Source and Adobe Commerce (cloud and on-premises) stores.

4. Influencer collaboration

Bringing influencers into your marketing mix lets you leverage their reach to drive product sales. It’s a great way to attract millennials and Gen Zs and establish an emotional connection with your brand, as they are more likely to trust recommendations from those they follow online.

Brands will increase their influencer marketing budget to $7.14 billion in 2024, up from $6.16 billion, indicating this channel’s effectiveness.

Tools like Followerwonk can help you see social media influencers with the largest follower count for certain topics and hashtags. You can use it with IZEA to launch an effective influencer marketing campaign, including managing creators, payments, and performance.

5. Push notifications

You can stimulate customer engagement with push notifications. For example, you can use push notifications for order and delivery status, new arrivals, and cart abandonment messages to win back lost sales.

It’s also great for collecting customer data and upselling or cross-selling to them, which can improve your average order value.

One of the things that makes this Magento marketing strategy shine is that it lets you reach a targeted audience with personalized messages in real time, no matter what device they’re using.

Adobe Commerce natively supports push notifications, while Magento Open Source users can leverage Adobe marketplace extensions like Push Notification and PushPro to enjoy this feature.

6. Content marketing and SEO

Insider Intelligence found that 49 percent of shoppers use search engines to research purchases they want to make, online or in-store. So, optimizing your ecommerce store to improve its search visibility is an excellent way to expand your reach.

Magento has some basic search engine optimization (SEO) features like tag and meta description optimization, but you can crush your Magento store SEO by combining those with third-party tools like Ahrefs. This specialized SEO tool provides tons of insightful data that can help improve your rankings and organic traffic.

Also, create high-quality, search-optimized content for your SEO campaign consistently. That will help you rank for multiple keywords and dominate the search results.

7. Ads and retargeting campaigns

Personalized ads easily top the list of the best Magento marketing strategies if you want near-instant results. Unlike other marketing channels (e.g., email marketing or SEO), personalized ad campaigns can target your ideal audience immediately.

And if you sweeten the deal with enticing discounts, free shipping, and returns, you can stimulate sales and drive higher conversion rates in the short term. That keeps you in business while you strengthen long-term marketing efforts like SEO and email marketing.

Leverage Facebook, Instagram, X, and Pinterest to create multiple touchpoints and reach prospects wherever possible. Also, set up remarketing pixels on your online store to retarget cart abandoners and window shoppers and drive repeat businesses from active buyers.

You can also connect your email lists with these ad platforms with Zapier to retarget them.

8. Word-of-mouth marketing

Loyal customers can be your biggest fans and help you reach new customers. Turn them into brand advocates by giving them a reason to spread the word about your ecommerce business.

You can do this by offering discounts, making customers feel appreciated, or simply asking them to share their positive experiences.

Adobe Commerce users can execute this strategy with the built-in loyalty system. But marketplace extensions, like Refer A Friend, can do the trick for stores running on the open-source edition.

9. Product upsells, cross-sells, and bundles

Recommend products to shoppers during checkout to boost your average order value. You can try selling them a complementary product that goes well with the one they’re buying or a better but more expensive version of the same product.

The key is leveraging data to hyper-personalize your recommendations. And Adobe Commerce’s native AI-powered product recommendation engine shines here. You can extend this functionality to your Magnet Open Source store with the Product Recommendations extension.

10. Customer loyalty programs

Selling to existing customers is easier than acquiring new ones because you’ve established a relationship with them. But it gets more interesting than that — 61 percent of business executives have seen increased customer loyalty post-pandemic, according to PwC.

So, not taking customer retention seriously can be a huge mistake. Run a customer loyalty program that gives customers points when they shop online, refer people, or submit product reviews.

To increase conversions, allow them to redeem the points as a discount during checkout.

You can also execute this strategy with the Adobe Commerce loyalty system. However, marketplace extensions like Rewards & Loyalty and Yotpo Loyalty & Referrals work for Magento Open Source users.

Magento marketing best practices

These ideas are not necessarily stand-alone strategies. You can apply them across multiple Magento marketing situations to improve their effectiveness.

Personalize interactions and experiences

First, use the second person pronoun (you, your, and yourself) in your store content to speak directly to shoppers and create an emotional connection.

Moreover, offer your customers personalized recommendations and customizable products to take the personalization experience one step further. However, according to the PwC study cited earlier, buyers rated high-quality products above personalized experiences. So, the effectiveness of personalization is predicated on product quality.

Manage cart abandonment proactively

Don’t wait for abandoned carts to happen. Solve their root causes. Look out for things that cause shoppers to abandon their carts, like high shipping costs, slow-loading stores, long checkout processes, and complicated returns, and eliminate them.

Improve your ecommerce website design

Put user experience at the center of your store design. Use a clean design to grab attention and keep shoppers on the ecommerce site. Make the pages fast-loading and mobile-friendly, and streamline navigation to make it effortless for buyers to find what they want.

Leverage user-generated content

Tap into the experiences and opinions of real people to foster trust and authenticity. Encourage reviews and ratings from happy customers to earn credibility on the product page. Also, leverage social media contests and hashtag campaigns to create a buzz around your products.

Use dedicated ecommerce hosting

Even a small delay in page load time can seriously hurt your sales. So stay safe with dedicated ecommerce hosting. This hosting environment gives you the speed, performance, and security you need to deliver a seamless, always-available customer experience.

Final thoughts

Whether you’re a seasoned retailer disappointed with your results or a new player trying to make your first sale, the actionable marketing ideas we discussed can help you.

Just remember that although these Magento marketing strategies are great, your ability to leverage begins with your hosting solution.

Nexcess provides enterprise-grade, made-to-purpose Magento hosting with zero downtime, 24/7 expert support, and instantly scalable server infrastructure. Contact us to discuss your needs.

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